Work Injury
$67 million record jury verdict for a client who suffered burn injuries in a grain bin explosion.
Construction Accident
$21 million verdict for an ironworker whose arm was severed by a 550 lb. steel beam falling from a crane on a construction site.
Construction Accident
$18.6 million in Cook County for a Chicago construction worker who suffered a traumatic brain injury after falling from defective construction equipment.
Work Injury
$18 million medical malpractice settlement for a family whose child was injured during labor and delivery.
Construction Accident
$12.4 million record settlement for an ironworker and his wife after he suffered a brain injury from a fall.
Construction Accident
$12 million settlement, plus waiver of $1,000,000 of a workers’ compensation lien, in a construction injury case against an Electrical Subcontractor and General Contractor for an Electrician Helper who suffered 2 severely fractured legs when he was hit by a piece of construction equipment.
Medical Malpractice
9.1 million Federal Civil Rights settlement for Delnor Hospital Nurse Hostages. Taxman, Pollock, Murray & Bekkerman, LLC is proud to announce Partners Sean Murray, Marc Taxman, James Hardy, and Associate Lindsay Scheidt have settled federal civil rights and workers compensation claims in the amount of $9.1M on behalf of four nurses who were involved in a hostage situation at Delnor Hospital. It was alleged that on May 13, 2017, a Kane County Sheriff Officer unshackled a violent inmate who was brought to the hospital for surgery.
Product Liability
$7,287,087.00 in Cook County following a surgeons failure to completely remove a benign facial tumor (co-counsel with Edward Walsh); a products liability recovery.
Medical Malpractice
$5,700,000.00 in DuPage County for a spinal cord injury following spinal surgery (co-counsel with Edward Walsh); a medical malpractice verdict.
Motorcycle Accident
$5.25 million (policy limits) for a motorcyclist who required a below-the-knee amputation after being struck by a left-turning retiree driving a Mercedes-Benz at an intersection in rural Indiana. Our client was alleged to have been speeding, but our investigation absolved him of all fault, placing all fault on the defendant driver.
Truck Accident
$4.5 million settlement for two women who were seriously injured in rural Ohio by a driver driving a semi-truck for a national trucking company.
Construction Accident
$3.2 million policy limits settlement during trial for an ironworker that injured his ulnar nerve while starting a gas saw at the O'Hare expansion project. The defendants made a token offer prior to trial; however, after five days of testimony, the Defendant tendered its policy.
Automobile Negligence
$3,125,000.00 in DuPage County for an ankle injury following a vehicle roll-over collision.
Medical Negligence
$3 million settlement obtained during a jury trial for the estate of a 70-year-old hospital patient who suffocated to death after his tracheostomy tube became dislodged (hospital and product manufacturer shared payment).
Construction Injury
$3 million settlement plus a waiver of a $919,455.72 workers compensation lien, to an ironworker who injured his hip and lower back lifting and moving a beam.
Workplace Injuries
$2.95 million recovered on behalf of our client who claimed that he was injured due to the conduct of an individual and corporate defendant while engaged in an adventure sporting event. Further details of the recovery are subject to a confidentiality agreement.
Medical Negligence
$2.75 million state record jury verdict in a medical malpractice case on behalf of a young girl who suffered a lacerated tendon to her middle finger following a c-section delivery. The offer prior to trial was $300,000.
Motorcycle Accident
$2.6 million record recovery in DuPage County, IL for leg and foot injuries sustained by a 27-year-old motorcyclist when he was hit in an intersection by an SUV making a left turn on a yellow light. The driver of the SUV claimed that the motorcyclist was speeding and abruptly changing lanes to make the light. The record recovery was featured on the front page of the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin.
Workplace Injuries
$2.27 million dollar jury verdict against the City of Chicago for an injured U.S. Postal worker who sustained knee injuries after falling in a hole in a city crosswalk.
Premises Liability
$2.1 million settlement for the family of a young woman killed in the E2 Nightclub tragedy. This amount obtained represents the highest settlement of any of the 71 victims that filed suit.
Construction Injury
$2.1 million jury verdict for an injured worker who fell from a ladder suffering ankle and wrist fractures. The insurance company only offered $600,000 to settle before trial.
Construction Injury
$2 million wrongful death settlement against two subcontractors working at a roofing project at a warehouse in Waukegan, IL on behalf of the estate of a 20-year-old roofer who fell through an open and unmarked skylight, and died as a result.
Construction Injury
$1.75 million settlement for an ironworker who suffered a severe wrist fracture when he fell from a beam during construction.
Motorcycle Accident
$1.625 million settlement for an injured motorist who suffered an injury to her low back that ultimately required a fusion 1.5 years after the impact. The defense attempted to claim that the treatment was unrelated to the impact.
Construction Injury
$1.55 million for a 60-year-old Electrician in DuPage County who fell from a ladder during the construction of a garage and suffered a torn rotator cuff and nerve entrapment.
Wrongful Death
$1.5 million settlement from a trucking company and freight broker for the wrongful death of a 74-year-old woman.
Wrongful Death
$1.5 million policy limits settlement for a family of three killed in a motor vehicle crash in suburban Chicago.
Slip and Fall
$1.5 million for a slip and fall on a liquid substance at a restaurant resulting in a broken leg with surgery.
Construction Injury
$1.5 million dollar settlement on behalf of a Local 63 ironworker that injured his left non-dominant shoulder while moving a 400-600 pound piece of glass on a jobsite. We alleged that his injury occurred because he did not have the proper equipment to move the glass.
Truck Accident
$1.5 million settlement for a passenger in a vehicle that was struck by a truck at an intersection. Our client suffered a fractured pelvis and other injuries. This was a partial settlement with the driver of the vehicle and the case continues against the trucking company.
Premises Liability
$1.375 million record settlement for a 96-year-old man that slipped and fell on a recently mopped floor and broke his hip ultimately causing his death.
Auto Accident
$1.2 million for a rear-end collision with no property damage for a woman who had back surgery.
Truck Accident
$1.185 million settlement for a 32-year-old mother who was struck by a bakery truck while crossing the street in a crosswalk in Chicago, sustaining back and hip injuries requiring surgery.
Medical Malpractice
$1,066,000.00 in Will County on behalf of an 82-year-old woman that sustained a nerve injury during carpal tunnel surgery.
Automobile Negligence
$1,032,300.79 excess verdict in an automobile case. We tried to settle the case without filing a lawsuit for the full policy limit of $250,000.00, but Allstate refused to offer the money and denied the claims arguing that the injuries suffered by our clients were not related to the collision. Allstate ultimately settled for a total of $1,045,923.61 after the trial.
Workplace Injuries
$1 million settlement for a man severely injured after he contacted a live overhead power line while carrying a ladder.
Truck Accident
$1,000,000.00 for a 36-year-old who was rear-ended by a semi-truck and sustained soft tissue back injuries. After a large gap in treatment, he got back surgery. The pre-lawsuit offer was $15,000.00.
Premises Liability
$1,000,000.00 for a woman that tripped over an exposed bolt in the floor of a Chicagoland retail store; a record medical malpractice recovery.
Boat Accident
$850,000.00 on behalf of a 25-year-old female boat passenger who was seriously injured when the operator of the boat she was on unexpectedly took a sharp left turn while traveling at speeds in excess of 25 mph on Lake Shelbyville in Southern Illinois.
Workplace Injuries
$7.5 million settlement for an injured roofer and his wife as a result of a spinal fracture suffered in a fall at a jobsite.
Construction Injury
$6 million settlement for a union concrete laborer that fell 22’ when a deck under construction collapsed due to a lack of shoring.
Medical Malpractice
$6 million settlement in a medical malpractice case for a woman who suffered an air embolism after medical professionals failed to properly administer medication through a catheter used for dialysis. As a result, it caused a stroke and limited movement on the left side. She passed away 3.5 years after the incident.
$5,250,000.00 in Cook County for injuries sustained in an explosion (co-counsel with Edward Walsh); along with other multimillion dollars verdicts and settlements.
Vehicle Accident
$4,800,000.00 combined verdict and settlement for a family of three that sustained significant injuries in a car crash in Chicago. This was a zero offer case in which our client was actually improperly ticketed.
Medical Malpractice
$4 million settlement in a medical malpractice case for the family of a man who suffered a retroperitoneal hemorrhage following an Interventional Cardiology procedure to repair aneurism and clotting.
Truck Accident
$3.15 million settlement for a mechanic that suffered head injuries in a trucking collision.
Medical Malpractice
$3,100,000.00 in Cook County on behalf of a 5-year-old girl following the misplacement of a central venous catheter; a record medical malpractice verdicts.
$3 million policy limits settlement for a young girl severely burned in a propane gas explosion. Her family's vacation cabin had accumulated with propane gas after a company installed a new propane tank on the property, causing the explosion. The company initially denied any liability, and the case proceeded through discovery until the policy limits were tendered.
Workplace Injuries
$2.95 million settlement for the family of a union ironworker who fell 19' and died on a jobsite due to inadequate fall protection.
Product Liability
$2.9 million settlement, plus a waiver of $180,000 workers' compensation lien, in a product liability claim for the wrongful death of a 67-year-old mechanic when a fabric sling used to lift a piece of equipment was cut causing the load to fall.
Medical Malpractice
$2.7 million record jury verdict in a medical malpractice case for a baby who suffered a finger injury following a C-section delivery.
Product Liability
$2.7 million settlement of a product liability action for a client whose arm was injured by an unreasonably dangerous machine.
Construction Injury
$2.5 million settlement for a female ironworker who fell 12' and broke both of her wrists due to the general contractor failing to erect a lifeline for her to tie off to.
Vehicle Accident
$2.5 million settlement for a bicyclist hit by a car and suffered multiple injuries.
Vehicle Accident
$2.25 million settlement for a bicyclist who sustained injuries to his knee after being hit by a car.
Construction Injury
$2.1 million jury verdict for a union worker that fell from a ladder fracturing his heel and wrist. The offer prior to trial was $645,000.
Construction Injury
$2.05 million settlement for an ironworker injured when a ladder fell on him during a downtown high-rise project.
Construction Injury
$1.95 million settlement for an ironworker who fell from a crane causing him to fracture both wrists and injure his shoulders.
Medical Malpractice
$1.95 million medical malpractice settlement for the wife and three children of a cancer patient who died due to the failure to diagnose and treat the condition.
Premises Liability
$1.6 million record settlement in Will County for a client who slipped and fell on an unnatural accumulation of ice in a parking lot of a business office, fracturing her ankle and leading to a permanent diagnosis of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS).
Construction Injury
$1.5 million dollar settlement on behalf of a Local 63 ironworker that injured his left non-dominant shoulder while moving a 400-600 pound piece of glass on a jobsite. We alleged that his injury occurred because he did not have the proper equipment to move the glass.
Nursing Home Negligence
$1.5 million settlement for the estate of a special needs handicapped adult who died after she suffered numerous falls at her group home without proper medical care and assistance.
Construction Injury
$1.46 million settlement for an ironworker who fell 8 feet and suffered bilateral wrist fractures that aggravated pre-existing arthritis.
Construction Injury
$1.36 million verdict for an ironworker who injured his knee and aggravated a pre-existing arthritic condition as a building in downtown Chicago.
Construction Injury
$1.16 million for an ironworker who slipped and fell on a dangerous accumulation of water at a construction project while tying rebar, suffering a shoulder tear.
Medical Malpractice
$1.1 million med mal settlement on behalf of our 85-year-old client who suffered a spinal cord injury during the course of a procedure to implant a spinal cord stimulator.
Construction Injury
$1 million construction negligence settlement for a laborer who tripped over a tool belt left out on the jobsite, injuring his knee and back in the process, and limiting his ability to return to work.
Premises Liability
$1 million dollar settlement for the estate of an intoxicated man who fell onto the elevated tracks at a CTA train station in Chicago when security failed to identify him and remove him from the station.
Medical Malpractice
$1Million dollar (full insurance policy limit) Medical Malpractice settlement against a surgeon who cut the wrong duct during a gallbladder removal surgery.
Premises Liability
$900,000.00 for the families of two minors who suffered third-degree burns and scarring to their bodies after being burned with sulfuric acid left on the back porch of their apartment complex by the landlord's unlicensed plumbers.
Truck Accident
$850k for a client who sustained back and shoulder injuries after colliding with a semi-truck at an exit ramp leaving the interstate.
Nursing Home Negligence
$837k Nursing Home negligence case in Illinois for an 85-year-old woman that involved a stage 3 bed sore on the sacrum that became infected and necessitated debridement and surgery due to the neglect of the nursing home staff.
Construction Injury
$810,315 record LaSalle County verdict for an ironworker who injured his ankle after tripping on debris. The offer prior to trial was $100,000.
Personal Injury
$800k against the City of Chicago and a group of various contractors and subcontractors for their negligence in repairing a sinkhole that developed on a busy residential street in Chicago, which caused a man riding on his scooter to hit the cave-in, flipping him off, and causing him to fracture his leg.
Vehicle Accident
$750K settlement in a difficult case involving a 15-year-old boy who was hit by a car while running across a street mid-block. The case was contested and the settlement was reached at mediation.
Truck Accident
$700k settlement on behalf of an injured Chicago truck driver who was involved in a rear-end crash with another truck in rural Nebraska. Our client sustained a back injury that caused him to miss time from driving after back surgery.
Construction Injury
Settlement for a 56-year-old Local 393 ironworker who injured his shoulder while attempting to move a piece of decking on a jobsite. We alleged that the defendant general contractor failed to provide adequate space for the ironworkers to perform their work.
Auto Accident
Settlement for an over-the-road courier who was injured in Ohio by another driver who cut him off, sustaining an ankle fracture that required surgery and almost a year away from work.
Premises Liability
$616,788 jury verdict for a 75-year-old woman that slipped and fell and injured her ankle and shoulder in a parking lot. The offer prior to trial was $135,000.
Workplace Injuries
$600,420 record Kankakee County jury verdict for a drywaller that broke his wrist when he tripped and fell over an electrical cord on a jobsite. The offer prior to trial was $0.
Truck Accident
$600,000.00 for a truck driver who was injured in Wisconsin on I-94 when a driver of a u-haul pulled off the side of the road unexpectedly and crashed into his truck.
Truck Accident
$600,000.00 for three young men who were injured when a tow truck driver failed to yield the right of way to their car as they were driving on a roadway in Chicago Heights, IL.
Vehicle Accident
settlement on behalf of an elderly deaf driver who made a left turn in front of another vehicle heading in the opposite direction on a roadway in Batavia, Illinois. The defendant allegedly failed to slow or stop.
Civil Rights
$525,000.00 for the family of a teenage autistic boy who was violently assaulted by a Chicago Police Officer. The autistic minor, 15 years old, was struck by a metal baton over his head in the kitchen of his parent's restaurant.
Truck Accident
$517k verdict for a man who re-injured his previously symptomatic back after a semi-truck crashed into his rear on the interstate. The case had a $15k offer from the truck company heading into trial.
Personal Injury
$480,000.00 settlement on behalf of an 88-year-old woman who was walking with a walker on an exercise track in Downers Grove when she when struck by another person exercising on the track. The Plaintiff fell and suffered a spiral fracture to her upper arm (humerus).
Civil Rights
$407,545 verdict against the City of Chicago for a woman that broke her elbow after tripping and falling on a cracked sidewalk. The offer prior to trial was $2,500.
Medical Malpractice
settlement for a woman who went to a northern Illinois hospital for neck fusion surgery and was operated on at the wrong level.
Construction Injury
settlement plus a waiver of a $142k workers compensation lien for a 52-year-old Local 393 Ironworker who injured his shoulder while attempting to move a glass window panel at a jobsite in unstable, muddy ground conditions.