How Long Does a Personal Injury Lawsuit Take to get a Settlement?

Posted on January 23, 2023
If you have been injured due to the negligent actions of someone else in the Chicago area, you may very well need to file a personal injury lawsuit in order to recover compensation for your losses. You also probably want to know how quickly you can recover compensation. Here, we want to discuss the...
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How to Prove Negligence in a Chicago Personal Injury Case?

Posted on January 16, 2023
If you or somebody you care about sustained an injury caused by the negligent actions of another entity or individual in Chicago, you should be able to recover compensation for your losses. However, doing so requires proving the other party's negligence. But what does it mean to prove negligence? Here, we want to examine...
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Top Questions to Ask a Lawyer Before Hiring

Posted on January 9, 2023
If you or somebody you care about sustains an injury caused by the actions of another individual or entity, you may very likely need to file a lawsuit to recover compensation for your losses. However, we strongly encourage you to reach out to a skilled lawyer who has extensive experience handling these claims. There...
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Total Loss Value Formula in Illinois

Posted on January 2, 2023
After a vehicle accident that causes property damage occurs, the incident typically turns into an insurance claim relatively quickly. It may be the case that an insurance carrier determines that a vehicle is a “total loss.” Consulting with lawyers for car accidents in Chicago can help you navigate this process and ensure fair treatment....
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