Bodily Injury vs. Personal Injury Differences Explained

Posted on May 12, 2023
For most individuals, their minds likely conjure up no difference between the phrases “bodily injury” and “personal injury.” However, when it comes to the civil legal system, it is important to define the difference between these two. These two phrases have different meanings depending on the context in which they get used, and we...
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What Are My Options After a Slip and Fall Injury on the Sidewalk in Chicago?

Posted on May 8, 2023
Sustaining a slip and fall injury is a big deal. These injuries often lead to significant pain and suffering, and it is not uncommon for individuals to have to alter their day-to-day life or work-related activities as they recover. Here, we want to discuss your options after a slip and fall injury on a...
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Emergency Vehicle Accidents Statistics

Emergency vehicles such as ambulances, fire trucks, and police cars play a crucial role in responding to emergencies and saving lives in the United States. However, these vehicles are also involved in car crashes that can lead to injuries, fatalities, and property damage. Understanding the statistics and factors contributing to emergency vehicle accidents is...
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