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Steps to Take After a Truck Accident

Posted on September 1, 2022

Accidents involving commercial trucks often result in significant property damage and major injuries. When these incidents occur, it is imperative for those involved to immediately begin to take steps to ensure their well-being and to help them secure maximum compensation. As we review these steps, please keep in mind that these situations can be confusing and chaotic, and not every step will necessarily happen in this exact order.

1. Report the Incident and Assess Injuries

Right after a truck accident occurs, it is imperative for individuals to do a few things. This includes checking for injuries and dialing 911. The police need to know about the incident so they can dispatch the appropriate first responders, including fire, EMS, and law enforcement personnel. Do not assume that anyone else has called the authorities. Do so yourself if you are able to.

2. Go to the Hospital

If you or any of your passengers have sustained injuries, you need to seek immediate medical treatment. Even if the injuries do not seem very severe, this does not necessarily mean that there are no injuries at all. The signs and symptoms of some truck accident injuries do not appear for hours or even days after the incident occurs. A delay in seeking medical care could give an insurance carrier a reason to delay or deny the claim. Seek medical treatment no matter what after a truck accident.

3. Call a Truck Accident Lawyer

You need to speak to a skilled truck accident lawyer in Illinois as soon as possible. The lawyer needs to get involved so they can begin gathering the evidence. In these situations, evidence begins disappearing relatively quickly. An attorney can use their resources to fully investigate the incident and begin building their case to make to the insurance carrier or personal injury jury.

4. Contact Your Insurance Carrier

You need to reach out to your own auto insurance carrier and let them know that the accident occurred. Do not go into much detail, and give them the information related to the other driver’s insurance carrier and the name of the trucking company involved. You do not have to give a recorded statement to the insurance carrier, and we need to let them know that you’re seeking treatment for your injuries. Refer any further questions to your attorney or have your attorney make the initial call to the insurance carrier.

5. Go to all Medical Appointments

It is crucial to go to all follow-up medical appointments and to follow a doctor’s orders. This includes using any recommended medical devices. Individuals who discontinue medical care early will not be able to go back and recover any additional evidence if their case settles. When a person stops medical treatment against the advice of a doctor, this could significantly jeopardize the outcome of the case. If you have any questions about whether or not we need to continue seeking medical care after our truck accident, speak to your attorney before making any decisions.