What to Do After a Dog Bite | Legal Rights & Compensation
Dog bites can lead to major injuries and long-term complications for a victim. Individuals must act swiftly in order to recover compensation for a dog bite injury. Here, we want to discuss the strict liability dog bite law in place in the state of Illinois, which outlines the rates available to dogfight victims as...
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What Is the Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Cases in Illinois?
When a person in Illinois sustains an injury caused by the negligent actions of another individual, entity, or business, they may be able to recover compensation for their losses. However, there are specific guidelines in place for filing personal injury lawsuits in civil court, including the deadline for filing the claim. Here, we want...
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What are the Most Common Wrist Injuries From a Car Accident?
Vehicle accidents can result in a range of injuries, including those to the hands, wrists, and arms. Breast injuries are common in a vehicle accident because individuals are either holding on to the steering wheel when the accident occurs or bracing themselves against other fixed objects in the vehicle. Here, we want to examine...
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How are Damages Divided Among Family Members in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?
When a person loses their life due to the careless or negligent actions of another individual or entity, surviving family members may be able to recover compensation for their losses. However, there can be complications if a wrongful death claim is successful, particularly when determining how any settlement or jury verdict is divided among...
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How Does the Probate Process Impact a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?
When a loved one loses their life due to the negligent actions of another individual or entity, surviving family members may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit in order to recover compensation. However, it can be challenging to understand how the probate process can impact a wrongful death lawsuit in Illinois. What...
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How Long Does a Wrongful Death Lawsuit Take?
When an individual loses their life due to the negligent actions of others, their family members may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit in civil court to recover compensation. However, these types of claims are not something individuals deal with on a regular basis, and family members may be confused about how...
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What to Do If A Drunk Driver Hits You
Accidents involving drunk drivers can become incredibly complicated, particularly as victims work to recover compensation for their losses. Data from the Illinois Department of Transportation shows that there were 1,217 total fatal crashes across the state during the most recent reporting year, and approximately 22% of all of these incidents involved alcohol. If you...
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What is a Truck Driver’s Logbook and How Can it Help My Truck Accident Case?
Every truck driver is required to keep close track of their hours of service, as mandated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Truck drivers hours are closely scrutinized in order to prevent drivers from operating while fatigued, and these hours have traditionally been kept in a driver’s logbook. However, logbooks are now...
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Is Illinois a Fault or No-Fault State?
There is a big difference between how vehicle accident claims are handled in a “fault state” versus a “no-fault state.” If you have ever wondered whether or not Illinois is a fault or no-fault state, you are not alone. We want you to know that Illinois is a fault-based state when it comes to...
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Can You Lane Split in Illinois?
If you have ever seen a motorcyclist go past your window down the center of two lanes heading in the same direction, then you have seen lane splitting. Lane splitting is popular amongst motorcyclists and even legal in some areas around the country. However, Illinois does not allow lane splitting for motorcyclists. Here, we...
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